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ReGeneration Week, the event of the year!

You know what? The sign-up for the event of the year - ReGeneration Week, has finally opened! We are all very excited and are looking forward to what is going to be the biggest event for ReGeneration 2030 so far.

ReGeneration Week will provide a powerful platform for international and intergenerational dialogue in connection to the UN Agenda 2030 and this year's theme is ReThinking The System. The agenda for the week is designed in line with UNEP’s Anatomy of Action toolkit. As a participant, you get to learn more about the Anatomy of Action domains and together with other participants formulate demands that will be gathered in a declaration that will be handed over to decision makers during the week.

´The aim for ReGeneration Week is to have 600 participants joining this year, realizing our ambition to make this year's ReGeneration Week the most powerful event so far. ReGeneration Week will be a hybrid event, with some people participatinc physically on the Åland Islands, and some digitally though a streaming tool.

ReGeneration Week 2021 is built on the Anatomy of Action toolkit from the United Nations Enviroment Program. The Anatomy of Action outlines the top level changes any individual can make to support the growing shift to global sustainability. Data shows that if enough people make changes in a few key areas, the global momentum of our collective action will address the pressing social and environmental issues around us. By making individual changes to what we eat, what we buy, how we invest our money, how we move and what we aspire to, we will change what and how our world works.

No need to sit around and wait any longer, go get your spot at ReGeneration Week today! The sign-up is opened, and we invite all of you to participate in the most important event of the year. To sign up, click here.


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