Embracing a more active lifestyle, introducing the third of #ReGenAoA: MOVE! This domain consists of three subdomains #Keepactive, #Shareyourride, and #Gocleaner.

Are you thinking about how to travel more environmentally friendly? Like every good trip, you need some preparation to make it successful! It doesn’t matter if it is for a 2 weeks’ vacation, a short escapade, or a one-day trip. With little planning, we can easily reduce our carbon footprint and make the best out of it. Why do we dream about going far away for a vacation, when staying in our beautiful undiscovered area can be as thriving as that long trip? And all this without the inconvenience of taking a 12h flight to a different country, spending all our savings, and producing a big amount of CO2.
Did you know that.. global aviation represents an estimated 2,5% of the global CO2 emissions? Instead, taking a train will reduce in hundreds of Kg the number of its emissions and no talking about biking or hiking = 0 emissions!
This domain is perfect for the upcoming holidays - either for your weekend trip or vacations during the summer. Since the Anatomy of Action Challenge is a try-out to start making an impact and embracing a more sustainable lifestyle if you have yet to make a plan for the upcoming vacations, keep this in mind when you start to organize your holidays!
Here are some suggestions for action you can take during the domain #move:

Explore your local area!
If you have not explored your surrounding area, you might as well go ahead now! Many places provide you with beautiful scenery you never thought of, that can turn into your dreamed location while investing in your local community. We bet you can find places close to you after a quick google search that might catch your interest! Choose experience, and do so by #gocleaner.
Support local business!
Stay for a few nights in a small stay, perhaps owned by an old owner that would surely enjoy the company of new travelers! Rural areas are disappearing and by staying in their towns, hotel, guesthouses (you name it) you get to help the local economy, meet amazing people and experience their way of living. Why not helping out at their local farm, or in their boutique and get closer to nature? If you have expertise within some area, don't be afraid to use it. Perhaps you've studied agriculture or business? Share your knowledge, and be open to experience theirs!
Hike or bike!

Hike or bike, and stay at local stays among the way! This way you’ll discover so many beautiful sceneries in your region and if you stay CURIOUS - you’ll learn more about your local surrounding, in addition to being active! Keeping active is correlated with not only a transition towards a green future but also a more healthy life. Choose experiences instead of consumption, and walk/bike from spot to spot. From a historic park to the museum, on the way home, or changing location. Enjoy the ride sightseeing the town and find local eco-friendly suppliers on the way.
Embrace a lifestyle where you experience new traditions and how other people have an impact on the world. Learn and motivate others to create a better way of living!
Choose low CO2 emission transportation!
However, If your fancy going a bit further - trains are a great low CO2 emission transportation system. At least in Europe, it can take you everywhere in a very fast way. Additionally, you could stop on the way to your final destination and do sightseeing at different locations while traveling. However, whereas you decide to ride a bike, put on your roller blades, or #shareyourride by using public transportation, you do yourself and the planet a huge favor when you skip the car. ReThink your current mode of transportation! Less air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, cheaper and better for your health. We say, win-win!
Remember to reduce your impact in every MOVE and step you take, stay active, and challenge yourself with the Anatomy Of Action track MOVE.
What to think about when participating in our Anatomy of Action challenge?
Use #ReGenAoA, and tag @ReGeneration.2030 when you upload your lifestyle moments, actions and ideas on your social media. The fourth Edition of RGW2021 will be built upon the five AoA domains, and the results will be shared at our RGW2021. We want to highlight your actions and make them known to policymakers in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Region!
Want to know more about ReGeneration, Anatomy of Action, or ReGeneration Week? Here are some links which might be helpful:
ReGenerationWeek: https://regenerationweek.org/
Toolkit with graphics for the challenge. Jump on the challenge, it is not to late! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XNJO1yS1XqHRWrO1iull4Dy7JYjsiKQX?usp=sharing
This post was written by a ReGenAoA team member: Jorge Felez