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Co-creating our future: New European Green Deal

Climate change is no longer a question for discussions, it’s a fact. Without a fundamental change, the situation will only get worse with time. To address that, in 2019 European Commission released a set of policy initiatives - the European Green Deal with an ambitious goal for Europe to become the first carbon-neutral continent by the year 2050.

While attending ReGeneration Week 2021, EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius participated in Dialogue meetings, where he discussed the ways of possible change with participants of the Summit.

After the Gala event, while being interviewed by Violetta Massala, the Chairperson of ReGeneration 2030, the Commissioner expressed his appreciation for ReGeneration Week for being a powerful platform, providing an opportunity to have a constructive dialogue between youth and the region’s decision-makers.

“Here we had the proof, that we, politicians, and the youth can sit down and discuss our arguments and views to have a solid plan to be implemented”,- said V. Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.

V. Sinkevičius also highlighted the need to include all individuals of society in forming and adapting the change, without leaving anyone behind and raising awareness being the key elements to the success of the Green Deal.

“If we want to be successful in this transition, most importantly we have to have everyone on board, believing and moving ahead”, - explained V. Sinkevičius.

With the establishment of the New European Bauhaus, the EU is also manifesting a willingness to cooperate and collaborate with different groups of society, industry and politics to connect people and find new ways of creating a more sustainable future together. With the creation of the ‘think and do tank’ EU is propagating co-creation to be an essential element for achieving the first concrete results, through assessments and reviews. Therefore, the Commission is taking responsibility to further deepen the work with the growing New European Bauhaus Community of committed individuals, organisations and authorities.

© European Union, 2019

“Through its transdisciplinary and participatory approach, the New European Bauhaus reinforces the role of local and regional communities, industries, innovators and creative minds that work together to improve our quality of life. Cohesion policy will transform new ideas into action at the local level”,- E. Ferreira, EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms.

It’s important to understand that the Green Deal is not just another law provided by decision-makers. It relies on all of us to initiate the change and start acting ourselves. One of the most important functions of the ReGeneration 2030 movement is fostering and highlighting leadership amongst youth by knowledge-sharing, education, capacity building and empowerment. Only by becoming leaders of our own choices, we can achieve the fundamental change towards a more sustainable future.


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